I n t r o d u c t i o n

From the beginning of time God has had a plan of redemption for this planet and all of its people. As a Christian you have the privilege and responsibility of working with Him. God has a plan for you! It is not an accident that you were born at this point in time. You have a destiny that you may or may not fulfill - the choice is yours.

This seminar is designed to reveal God's eternal purposes for mankind and to challenge you toward participation with Him in that plan. If you are willing and committed, you can impact eternity.

There are many different ways that this seminar can be studied or taught. You can work through the materials on your own or with a group of other people. If you are interested in teaching this seminar, there is a leader's guide included at the end of this course to help you.

Now, if you are ready to begin, pray: "Dear Lord, I do want to know Your eternal plan. Open my mind to understand Your truths and my eyes to see what You are doing. Open my heart to care about the things that You care about. Amen."